Organizational Performance Assessment System through Integrated Measurement Models in Moroccan Public Higher Education: A Cross-sectional Mixed-Method Study

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Organizational Performance Assessment System through Integrated Measurement Models in Moroccan Public Higher Education: A Cross-sectional Mixed-Method Study

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Title: Organizational Performance Assessment System through Integrated Measurement Models in Moroccan Public Higher Education: A Cross-sectional Mixed-Method Study
Author: Jaouad BENGUIT
Abstract: n Morocco, in public higher education, performance-based management has been introduced as an integral part of the national strategic planning relative to the institutionalization and administering of the performance assessment system within educational management. In this vein, in addition to the state auditing and oversight of universities, the internal performance measurement has been settled as an imperative organizational practice to form strategies for change management and to warrantee an ongoing upgrade of education and service quality. In the meanwhile, sizeable issues coreferent with strategic planning, governance practices, administrative procedures, HR training, quality control, material resources, academic applications, etc., call into question the adoption and execution of integrated models of performance assessment. They also account for the handful of HEIs that keep track of their achievements following systematic evaluation frameworks. On that account, this dissertation undertakes empirical research using four valid measures of performance, namely, MLQ 5x, OCAI, TQM, and BSC, to dissect the mainstreaming of these measurement models, investigate the impact of particular factors on organizational performance variable, and break down its multidimensional embodiments in tertiary education in the national context. The thesis methodology has been architected based on the cross-sectional mixed-methods approach that shifts from the quantitative to qualitative methods of data collection, examination, and interpretation following the explanatory sequential design. On that account, cross-sectional semi-structured questionnaires and semi-structured interviews have been deployed to collect the research data from 807 senior executives, middle managers, administrators, and subordinates in three public universities. For data analysis, the structural equation modeling-partial least square (SEM-PLS) has been operationalized through Smart-PLS 3 software to process collated data from questionnaires, while the thematic analytical pattern has constituted the blueprint for this study's qualitative data processing and analysis. Triangulation techniques have been inserted through the methodological and data collection phases to account for the consistency of both methods' findings. The empirical findings evoked that despite the dominance of transactional pattern, transformational leadership generates more consent and approval on the part of the employees who seek leadership effectiveness. In regard to TQM, there is an empirical evidence that higher education in Morocco falls short of the financial application requisite. The findings bring forth the dominance of the clan and hierarchy cultures, which accounts for the hybrid style and eclectic methods that require a redefining of the hierarchy structure and a reconsideration of the extent and aspects of its implementation. The revelations confirm that only 25 % of the surveyed HEIs adopt and implement integrated models of performance assessment measurement.
Date: 2021

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